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March 18,2022

Coming Soon From 3rd Coast Books!

Cyberwars, David Knight Goes to Moscow

By Dr. Avraham Shama

(Houston, TX/Wales U.K.) This book is fiction based on True Events.            

“The next U.S. president could be elected by Vladimir Putin infiltrating our cyberspace and changing a small number of votes in key states,” said Avraham Shama, an author and professor at the University of New Mexico. In his book, based on his research in Russia going back to 1989, Shama also warns that Russia is able to upend our transportation, energy, financial, and communication systems and bring life to a halt.” 

            Shama urges the U.S. to wake up and take a measured response, including:

            First, the U.S. must acknowledge that cyberwar is as dangerous as conventional war.

            Second, it must mobilize its technological might to stop the Russian offensive. Such an effort may already be in place, but it must be scaled way up and be given the urgency of war.

            Third, it must counterattack Russia’s cyberspace and interfere with the functioning of its society and foreign policy—eye for an eye, byte for a byte.

            Finally, it should build a coalition of countries affected by such Russian invasions.

            The U.S. has the expertise needed, but it has been unwilling to act.

            “The U.S. has won the Cold War. So far, it’s been losing the cyberwar against Russia.

This must not happen,” he concluded.

            Shama’s book, Cyberwars: David Knight Goes to Moscow, will be published by 3rd Coast Books (May 2022) and is available in May on Amazon and most anywhere books are sold.

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