1. Your book must be on Amazon (Printed & eBook)
  2. Your book must be on Amazon (Printed & eBook)
  3. Send us ASIN and ISBN numbers of the book to be marketed
  4. We must know if you have at least 5 “4 Star” Reviews (if not, we can help in this area when we market to book reviewers/bloggers.)
  5. You must be available to change pricing on your books as this is a very important part of the marketing process. We will communicate dates of price changes by email to the author or publisher.
  6. We prefer that your book has had a professional edit. Bad editing can result in a 1-2 Star rating drop by reviewers and book bloggers.
  7. We will need a link to your Amazon Printed book and ebook.
  8. We do not market Erotica, Porn or Hate Books. Other genres okay.
  9. We need a short, 1-4 sentence synopsis of your book and the Genre it is in.
  10. We do not require a printed copy or ebook download of your book.

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